The Movement of Energy
The energy infrastructure that exists today – generation, transmission and distribution systems delivering reliable service – is evolving and adapting to meet the demands for greater renewable energy options, lower emissions, and growing commercial and consumer interest in alternative energy sources.
At Mitigas, we diversify our generation mix both by using renewable generation in our rate-regulated businesses, and by forming new businesses and ventures to create even greater flexibility in generation capacity and grid reliability.
Strengthening the electric grid is important for developing renewable energy and maintaining the reliability of service.
MitiGas power services
Completed in late 2013, MitiGas power services Energy’s 231-mile high-voltage line unites the Nevada grid for the first time ever and facilitates renewable energy development in remote parts of the state. It is already serving 11 renewable energy projects.
MitGas energy solutions : Energy Gateway
MitiGas energy solutions plans to invest $6 billion in the Energy Gateway project, a proposal to add approximately 2,000 miles of new high-voltage transmission lines in the western U.S. Several segments have already been placed in service. We expect to complete others over the next several years.
MitiGas strategic development & acquisitions : Joint Ventures
MitiGas strategic development & acquisitions joint ventures have $3.2 billion of transmission assets in operation or under construction in Texas and Kansas. MitiGas and our strategic partners also have been chosen to build and own a new transmission line in California.